
歡迎來到 MSCuteBB.com,在這裡我們將您的寵物照片變成令人驚嘆的藝術作品!我們的定制寵物肖像是慶祝您心愛動物個性和魅力的完美方式。
🌟 藝術卓越:我們的才華橫溢的藝術家手工製作每一幅肖像,精準捕捉您寵物的獨特本質。
📅 快速周轉:在1-2天內接收藝術作品的初稿,並享受無限次免費修改直到完美為止。
🏠 適合家居設計:每幅肖像均配有時尚框架和已經附加的掛鉤,方便在家中展示。
💯 滿意度保證:我們提供免費預覽和無限次修改,確保您對最終作品絕對滿意。
👀 實時跟蹤:從開始到完成跟蹤您寵物的肖像進度,體驗他們的照片轉變成傑作的過程。
⏱ 快速交付:我們的藝術家力求在您下單後的1-2天內展示藝術作品預覽。
🎨 博物館品質印刷:我們使用增強亞光紙進行專業、畫廊風格的打印,確保每種顏色和筆觸都顯得生動。
🌍 環保框架:我們的框架由可再生森林硬木製成,既美觀又環保。
MSCuteBB.com 致力於創造持久、美麗的致敬您的寵物。今天就訂購您的定制寵物肖像,以獨特、藝術的方式珍藏您寵物的記憶!
- 近距離照片: 把畫面充滿你的寵物,突顯牠們獨特的特徵和表情。
- 與牠們同一視角:以牠們的視角拍攝,營造一種親密的聯繫感。
- 自然光效果最佳:使用自然光,避免閃光燈,可以獲得柔和、更具質感的照片。
- 保持冷靜和靜止:鼓勵你的寵物坐下或保持安靜,以拍攝清晰、不模糊的照片。
- 捕捉所有細節:確保照片中包含了寵物的所有特徵,比如垂耳。
- 高質量照片:上傳高解析度的照片以獲得最佳效果。
⚠️ 我們不會畫出寵物佩戴的任何配飾,例如頸圈、蝴蝶結等。目前我們暫時不能滿足任何特殊要求
歡迎來到 MSCuteBB.com,在這裡我們將您的寵物照片變成令人驚嘆的藝術作品!我們的定制寵物肖像是慶祝您心愛動物個性和魅力的完美方式。
🌟 藝術卓越:我們的才華橫溢的藝術家手工製作每一幅肖像,精準捕捉您寵物的獨特本質。
📅 快速周轉:在1-2天內接收藝術作品的初稿,並享受無限次免費修改直到完美為止。
🏠 適合家居設計:每幅肖像均配有時尚框架和已經附加的掛鉤,方便在家中展示。
💯 滿意度保證:我們提供免費預覽和無限次修改,確保您對最終作品絕對滿意。
👀 實時跟蹤:從開始到完成跟蹤您寵物的肖像進度,體驗他們的照片轉變成傑作的過程。
⏱ 快速交付:我們的藝術家力求在您下單後的1-2天內展示藝術作品預覽。
🎨 博物館品質印刷:我們使用增強亞光紙進行專業、畫廊風格的打印,確保每種顏色和筆觸都顯得生動。
🌍 環保框架:我們的框架由可再生森林硬木製成,既美觀又環保。
MSCuteBB.com 致力於創造持久、美麗的致敬您的寵物。今天就訂購您的定制寵物肖像,以獨特、藝術的方式珍藏您寵物的記憶!
- 近距離照片: 把畫面充滿你的寵物,突顯牠們獨特的特徵和表情。
- 與牠們同一視角:以牠們的視角拍攝,營造一種親密的聯繫感。
- 自然光效果最佳:使用自然光,避免閃光燈,可以獲得柔和、更具質感的照片。
- 保持冷靜和靜止:鼓勵你的寵物坐下或保持安靜,以拍攝清晰、不模糊的照片。
- 捕捉所有細節:確保照片中包含了寵物的所有特徵,比如垂耳。
- 高質量照片:上傳高解析度的照片以獲得最佳效果。
⚠️ 我們不會畫出寵物佩戴的任何配飾,例如頸圈、蝴蝶結等。目前我們暫時不能滿足任何特殊要求
By changing our most important processes and
products, we have already made a big leap forward. This ranges from the
increased use of more sustainable fibers to the use of more
environmentally friendly printing processes to the development of
efficient waste management in our value chain.
Shipping & Returns
We deliver your parcel within 2–3 working days. As soon as your package has left our warehouse, you will receive a confirmation by email. This confirmation contains a tracking number that you can use to find out where your package is.
We offer free returns within 30 days. All you have to do is fill out the return slip that you received in your package and stick the prepaid label on the package.Please note that it can take 2 weeks for us to process your return. We will do our best to complete this process as soon as possible.
Shipping & Returns
We deliver your parcel within 2–3 working days. As soon as your package has left our warehouse, you will receive a confirmation by email. This confirmation contains a tracking number that you can use to find out where your package is.
We offer free returns within 30 days. All you have to do is fill out the return slip that you received in your package and stick the prepaid label on the package.Please note that it can take 2 weeks for us to process your return. We will do our best to complete this process as soon as possible.
We provide a 2-year limited warranty, from the date of purchase for all our products.
If you believe you have received a defective product, or are experiencing any problems with your product, please contact us.
This warranty strictly does not cover damages that arose from negligence, misuse, wear and tear, or not in accordance with product instructions (dropping the product, etc.).
We provide a 2-year limited warranty, from the date of purchase for all our products.
If you believe you have received a defective product, or are experiencing any problems with your product, please contact us.
This warranty strictly does not cover damages that arose from negligence, misuse, wear and tear, or not in accordance with product instructions (dropping the product, etc.).
Secure Payment
Your payment information is processed securely. We do not store credit card details nor have access to your credit card information.
We accept payments with :
Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Paypal, Diners Club, Discover and more.
Secure Payment
Your payment information is processed securely. We do not store credit card details nor have access to your credit card information.
We accept payments with :
Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Paypal, Diners Club, Discover and more.